Submission Guidelines

By submitting your TB story to TB Photovoice, you are agreeing to the following terms:

  • You are choosing to share your TB story either anonymously (using an alias) including the country you live in. Or you may use your given first name and country you live in.
  • If you share your given name, it may be posted on our website and can be easily be found on other social media platforms on the Internet.
  • Every story submitted is reviewed by TB Photovoice and all stories may not be posted on our website.
  • Please do not post links to personal blogs or websites.
  • Do not post personally identifying information such as phone numbers, emails, or addresses.
  • Stories and/or pictures with inappropriate or offensive content will not be posted on our website.
  • TB Photovoice reserves the right to make slight edits to each story, which may include adding or deleting information to ensure the post is in line with our criteria. We will inform you of any changes to your story.
  • Your story may be shared with the public on the internet through the TB Photovoice website to:
    • increase the public’s knowledge and awareness of the TB experience
    • support others currently impacted by TB by sharing your story
    • increase TB health care providers’ understanding of the realities of the TB experience.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older.