About Us
TB Photovoice improves the overall health of individuals and communities by using images, stories and dialogue to give a powerful voice to people affected by tuberculosis.
We are the only U.S. nonprofit exclusively devoted to supporting and honoring all people around the globe impacted by TB by documenting their experiences and sharing their insights with the world. View our TB Photovoice magazines to learn more about our connections with the TB community.
To eradicate TB, we believe in and value:
- The wisdom within communities to uncover solutions to the complex challenges of TB.
- Health equity for all.
- Representing and including people affected by TB at all levels of TB elimination efforts.
- The ethical use of images and stories of people affected by TB.
- Telling the raw, true story of TB in order to change policy and make communities healthier

Dr. Claudia Lacson
In 2004, TB Photovoice Founder Romel Lacson of Atlanta, Georgia lost his young wife Claudia and their prematurely born daughter Emma to TB complications.
Through this experience, Lacson learned that those impacted by TB had no way to share their perspectives of what it means to have tuberculosis. As a health professional, he knew how important it was to include their voices in fighting this disease, so together with close friends and colleagues, Lacson developed a specialized TB photovoice training program.
Photovoice, a technique Lacson learned about in graduate school, is a process that encourages individuals to share words and photographs as a way to create positive changes within their communities and to influence decision makers to make changes on a larger scale.
Romel Lacson, Ph.D. is the founder of TB Photovoice and initial architect of the organization’s vision. His perspectives that helped establish TB Photovoice, were informed as the spouse of Claudia Amaya Lacson and his family’s TB experience, as well as his doctoral work in anthropology which employed community based participatory research methods to understand the dynamics that surround the diagnosis, treatment, and social context of tuberculosis. Romel has written peer reviewed articles and papers on evaluation of HIV prevention programs and the use of Photovoice with persons affected by TB. With over 25 years experience in program evaluation, public health and development, Romel now works for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Board Members
Eva M. Moya , Ph.D., LMSW (Board President), Early in her career Eva became involved in community and social mobilization, and border and bi-national public health and social work services. This involvement has continued to guide her educational and academic choices. In the 1980’s, she was the Director of Sexuality Education Program for Youth in Ciudad Juárez, México. Also in the mid-1980’s, Eva co-founded the Programa Compañeros (HIV-AIDS Program). By the early 1990’s, she directed social services in a community health center and a Kellogg Community Partnership Community Development Project. Around the mid 1990’s, Moya directed the first border-wide Children Health Insurance Project with the University of Arizona. Starting in 2000, Eva became the manager of the Healthy Border Program of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission. Nearing 2002, she became the director of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission (U.S. Section). In 2005, Eva became the director of the first Tuberculosis Border Voices and Images (Photovoice) Project, and the TB and HIV Officer for Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACMS) at Project Concern International (PCI). Eva was the Director of the TB and HIV Division for the U.S. Mexico Border Health Association in 2005. Presently, Eva is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Social Work; and Sr. Coordinator for the ACMS in TB, HIV and Diabetes with PCI. For the past 31 years Eva has worked on putting together several innovative public health projects in the El Paso, Texas and the U.S.-Mexico border region dealing with diabetes, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, gender and depression, community health workers and health disparities. Eva lead the adaptation of the Photovoice methodology for use in the areas of HIV/AIDS, education and health disparities in academic and community based settings with minority populations in the U.S.-México border region and in México. Eva serves as the TB Photovoice Board Treasurer.
Teresa LeClair Rugg, MPH (Executive Director), has been in the public health field for over 25 years. From 1990-1993, she was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Cameroon, West Africa teaching biology and health. This experience shaped her lifelong commitment to serve communities and individuals that have limitless potential but inequitable opportunities. Upon returning to the United States, she received her Masters in Public Health from the University of South Carolina, with an emphasis in health education. Teresa worked in public health settings in the south, mid-west, and northwest of the United States. She has been providing health educator and social justice consulting services to organizations throughout the Seattle area and nationally since 2000, and founded the first anti-global poverty chapter of RESULTS in Snohomish County, Washington. As a dear friend of TBPV founder Romel Lacson and his late wife Claudia Lacson, Teresa passionately began to assist TB Photovoice in their initial efforts to address the root causes of TB. Teresa serves as TB Photovoice Executive Director.
Liz Stapf (Board Secretary), Liz was diagnosed with active pulmonary TB in 2011 and completed eleven months of treatment. During her treatment she was inspired to reach out to others effected by TB to build community and support. TB can often be a isolating disease which is why Liz is excited to be on the TB Photovoice team in bringing TB and the TB experience out of the shadows. She is happy to share her TB story because she knows from experience how powerful personal stories can be in serving as a reminder that no one with TB is ever really alone. While on treatment she finished her BA in Women, Gender and Sexuality studies with an emphasis on International Development. Previous to her TB experience, Liz spent more than three years volunteering in rural community projects and orphanages in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Kenya. She has a passion for humanitarian work and creating/supporting community, especially in overlooked or vulnerable populations.
Susan Rose(Attorney), Susan has over twelve years of experience in public interest law and advocacy, representing under-served communities and individuals in areas including family law, education law, employment law, and public benefits administration. She holds a law degree from Tulane University Law School, and a degree in business administration from California State University Hayward. Susan has represented victims of domestic violence, litigated cases against fraudulent charities and fundraisers, served as co-counsel on school expulsion cases and appeals of public benefit decisions, and petitioned the South Carolina Supreme Court in a landmark public education case, arguing in support of public school funding reforms. Her legislative activities include successfully lobbying the state legislature for stricter counterfeit trademark penalties and testifying before subcommittees on issues of education funding reform, due process in school discipline, and consistency in unemployment benefit guidelines. She first became involved with TB Photovoice after meeting Romel Lacson and participating in one of his workshops on the Photovoice method. She subsequently facilitated several Photovoice workshops and developed training programs with the South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council, and now serves on the TB Photovoice Board. Susan currently assists law firms with their electronic discovery needs in complex litigation, and consults with businesses and nonprofit organizations on legal matters and marketing challenges. She travels whenever possible and is a published photographer.
Dr. Tania Guadalupe Hernandez, D.O. ( Board Treasurer), Dr. Hernandez learned about the power of photovoice when she consulted with TB Photovoice to implementing a tobacco prevention program for teens in rural Washington State. She facilitated the photovoice process, encouraging students to share their insights with members of congress, members of the community, and city council members. Dr. Hernandez volunteered for medical missions as a college student, conducting research in Ecuador. Dr. Hernandez is passionate about all people having access to quality health care and has been a supporter of TB Photovoice for more than five years. She lives with her family in Monroe, Washington.
In order to make an impact in communities, we partner with some of the finest, most compassionate nonprofit/governmental organizations, and individuals around the globe. Our collective aim is to end TB. We are extremely grateful to receive grants, program resources, expertise, ideas and inspirations from the following organizations and individuals. | Grants RESULTS Educational Fund Firland Foundation National Tuberculosis Controllers Association San Francisco Public Health Foundation ACTION |
What an Honor!
TB Photovoice received the Tuberculosis Survival Prize from the Tuberculosis Survival Project in 2010. The TB Survival Project received entries from organizations around the world. These were reviewed by a jury working in the humanitarian field, and headed by Nobel Peace Laureate, Betty Williams. Ms. Williams said TB Photovoice was awarded the prize because its work reminded the world that there was a human face to TB.
“TB Photovoice’s activities allow those affected by TB to become potential catalysts for social action and change in their communities. The stories and perspectives of people affected by TB – reflecting stigma, isolation and poverty as well as hope, courage and unity – cannot be ignored as we move forward in our response,” Betty Williams
Supporting Organizations | Supporting Individuals |
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of TB Elimination | Elena Pullen Venema |
Firland Northwest Tuberculosis Center | John Galfano |
KANCO | Paul S. Elliott |
Stop TB USA | Amber Strehle |
Washington State Department of Health, TB Division | Chuck Felton |
Project Concern International | Lucy Cheshire |
Evergreen Unitarian Universalist Fellowship | Judy Beaudette |
International Union Against TB and Lung Disease | Justin Bergevin |
David J. Sencer CDC Museum, a Smithsonian Affiliate, formerly the CDC Global Odyssey Museum | Carolyn Prouty |
Everett Public Library | Bob Dickerson |
PostNet Snohomish | |
Seattle Give Camp (our amazing web development team: Geoff, Mostafa, Paul, Hayley, Tia, Ian, et. al.) | |
Public Health Departments across the U.S. |